Sunday, July 24, 2011

Inspiration at Its BEST

Have you ever seen something that absolutely takes your breath away to the point that you feel you must try it NOW.  This is what happened to me when I went to Christy Tomlinson's Blog and saw this canvas.  I kept hearing about She Art and finally had the the time to go check it out.  Christy had just posted this Summer Challenge and Inspiration. Christy had been inspired by Junelle Jacobsen and I was inspired by Christy.
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Fortunately I was able to find a canvas that I had stashed away and then I just started pulling out paints, stamps and inks. It was so perfect because it was my BEST friend Hilary's birthday and I wanted to make her something so she would know how special she was to me.  Let me also state for the record that in all my years of crafting I had NEVER EVER painted a canvas.  At first I was oh so controlled but then it hit me and I decided to let go.  The center of the canvas is made of rolled paper, at first I so wanted it to be the perfect heart, but then I realized that no heart is perfect it is what is in the heart that is perfect.  Love, friendship, laughter,hurt and all those moments we share.  After I constructed the paper rolls and attached them I began the process of decorating the canvas.
I painted a free form heart (seriously - no template) and I stamped wish  inside the heart.  The other heart is cut from a cardboard box, inked with several colors of ink. and then I attached a few small pieces of music paper.I attached a key tied with twine.

The pearl drops are Ranger Perfect pearls and the butterfly is a metal embellishment from my stash.

I stamped in the corner with several stamps and attached a metal heart charm.  I then took out my doodling pens and began to write in various places on the canvas.  Special words to descibe Hilary and our relationship.
I stamped an "H" for obvious reasons and added a few other swirls to enhance it.  You can see I wrote Faith on this paper roll. 
I can not express to you the sense of joy I had creating this canvas.  I want to thank Christy and Junelle for sharing their inspiration.  And to take it further I am going to proof this post ONE time and then hit publish - It's not about PERFECTION - it is about the JOURNEY.


  1. Can't wait to take this on line class staritng tomorrow...

    I love your proud of you for "letting go"

  2. BEAUTIFUL! You did a great job, Elaine - isn't it fun to just let go? Looking forward to more of your "imperfection!"

  3. WOW! that's awesome. I love all the little details on the canvas.

  4. Free-style creating is so much fun and it will always inspire you to try new things! Great post Elaine and I love the canvas project!!

  5. LOVE THIS! Now I've been inspired by Elaine, who was inspired by Christy who had been inspired by Junelle. I just happen to have a canvas in my pile of supplies:)

  6. Your friend is one lucky lady to have a beautiful piece of art work so personal from her friend... I love it... you let your creative juices flow and it shows.. Happy Birthday Hilary

    Great Canvas Elaine!

  7. Hi Elaine!
    I was so impressed with your canvas...I had to have a little go of one myself. You can see mine on my blog at
    thanks for the inspiration :)
    Shazza from Australia
